#include const char VERSION[] = "RconBot V0.01(c)"; /* Rcon Buffer Size */ #define RCONBUF 32767 /* Rcon Server Structure */ /* Linked List */ struct rcon_server_t { char *name; char *password; hash_t hash; char *host; unsigned int port; struct rcon_server_t *next; }; const char ct_tok[] = "12CT"; const char t_tok[] = "4T"; const char HELP_HELP1[] = "status - server - disconnect - shutdown - dbstatus - rcon - irc"; const char HELP_HELP2[] = "-= For help on a specific command, type \"!rconbot help \" =-"; const char HELP_STATUS[] = "Help:Status: This will return the current IP and port the bot is set to, aswell as indicating wether the rconpass is set"; const char HELP_SERVER[] = "Help:Server: \"!rconbot server \" - eg \"!rconbot server bw7\" This will change the server the bot issues rcon commands to."; const char HELP_SHUTDOWN[] = "Help:Shutdown: This will close the bot down safely, and then exit. You should use this instead of quitting manually."; const char HELP_DBSTATUS[] = " Help:DBStatus: \"!rconbot dbstatus \" This will return all info on the given player."; const char HELP_RCON[] = "Help:Rcon: \"!rconbot rcon \" This is used to issue rcon commands to the server."; const char HELP_DISCONNECT[] = "Help:Disconnect: \"!rconbot disconnect\" This disconnects the bot from the current server."; const char HELP_IRC[] = "Help:IRC: \"!rconbot irc \" With this command you can turn on or off reporting of chat, teamchat, kills, actions and rcon commands on the server.";